On Saturday 9th May 2015, 206 Beavers and their families spent the day walking in Arne as part of Jamboree on the Trail, finding out about local nature, the importance of the reserve and even had time of a spot of lunch on the beach!
Despite the poor weather at the start of the day, the turnout was still strong and the sun soon came out once the walk started. After the first part of the walk there was a break at Shipstal Beach with time to relax on the beach or play a few games in the sand!
After lunch, the walk continued, where the Beavers spotted a heard of deer crossing one of the paths. Soon after they met up with the RSPB wardens there to show the Beavers some of the nature on the reserve, including ant’s nests.
The day concluded back at the car park with refreshments, games and music, alongside from the RSPB team, with a collection of live reptiles on display. The weather stayed fine for the whole day and there were plenty of tired looking Beavers by the end of it!
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